Home›Forums›Surfcoastwombat’s MSA Forum›Why doesn’t Medicare disability recognize this disease as serious as ALS or renal failure and start medicare as soon as the person is disabled.
This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated 12 years, 10 months ago by Harriet Giordano.
My brother was diagnosed with Parkinson’s 2 years ago. After a Hip replacement that was hard to recover from, he lost bladder function and then was told he had MSA. He has gone downhill too quickly. He fell last month and broke his other hip. Rehab wants to stop therapy because he’s weak and send him to nursing home.
Why doesn”t Medicare disability recognize this disease as serious as ALS or renal failure and start medicare as soon as the person is disabled. He’s only 61 and had to wait 25 months. His wife has to work and there is a financial strain on family.
Harriet, it’s hard I know to see your brother failing and not getting what is needed to help. It is hard to understand why medicare disability recognize ALS and the patient can get the health care within a year , where other types of illness like MSA has to wait the 24 months. Maybe some day that will change when they understand more what MSA is about.