Home Forums Surfcoastwombat’s MSA Forum Thank you for your web site

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  • #1183
    Kerrie Bissett

    Thank you for your website. My Mum had undiagnosed MSA for years, coupled with anxiety as your Patricia had over the years. I have been very disappointed as Mum (Elaine) had orthostatic hypertension and instability for years, was under the care of a geriatrician and had many many tests and was undiagnosed for maybe up to ten years. It was only her aged care facility GP who identified MSA last year. Fot the last 18 months Elaine has been in a water chair in the aged care facility, and has been taking thickened liquids. The facility manages her condition very well and they are a great support for me. I am on only child and Elaine has always been very emotionally reliant on me. One additional symptom that may be unrelated to MSA that Mum has is some sort of epilepsy or episodes of vacant stares and mumbling, though conscious. I can recall this happening squally when Mum was stressed, for decades. These episodes are increasing. I am writing this in Canada as I took the bold, and maybe unwise, decision to visit my husband who is working here for 6 months. I was told yesterday that Mum had a very bad turn yesterday and I am awaiting further news, in case I need to turn quickly home. I am filling in time while awaiting news (time difference!) and stumbled upon your website.


    Kerrie – I am guessing from your email address that you are from the Newcastle area. There is an MSA Support Group page on Facebook for the Australians – if you go to: http://www.facebook.com/groups/MSAOZNZ/ and join up, you might find someone there in your area.

    Hope things turn out ok for you.
    Regards JC

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