my dad has msa we were told 2011 but the doctor said he was sorry to tell us he has this msa and he has had it a long time . since july this years 2012 he has gone down hill fast to sleeping all day and night only wakeing fo meds .he has had 3 chest infections with this one putting him in hosptail and on oxagen they have told us told he has blood clots on his lungs and are sending him for a chest scan next week last night he had a bad turn when trying to take his tablets which left him strugling to breath .his feet and ankles are starting to swell . i just dont know what to think my head is all over the place the dotors dont seem to know and the nurses . part of me wants this to be the end so he is not in pain but part of me wants it not to be . i just want to be strong but i am not …
Try to find out what your dad wants. If he wants to leave this earth, try to get it in writing from him that he doesn’t want intervention. If he wants intervention, this will happen as our medical institutions are set up to keep us living for as long as possible. Whatever his decision is, support him in it. All the best. PS, I was with my father when he died and feel very privileged that i was able to be by his side.